Appendix A - Error Code Explanations

For any other error codes - please contact Radius Product Services.

 Code #    Problem Description     Probable Cause                     Solution

   1       Parity Error            1. Poor or no connection to        1. Check connections
                                   2. Defective radio                 2. Replace logic board on the repeater?
                                      microprocessor system.             base station or return radio to depot
                                                                         for servicing or replacement 
                                                                         mobile or portable radio.
   2       No Response after Send  1. Poor or no connection to radio. 1. Check connections to radio.
                                   2. Poor or no connection to rib.   2. Check connections to RIB.
                                   3. Defective radio                 3. Replace logic board on the repeater/
                                      microprocessor system.             base station or return radio        to depot                
                                   4. Radio or RIB off.                  for servicing or replacement for a
                                                                         mobile or portable radio.
                                                                      4. Turn radio and or RlB on.
   3       Innerbyte Delay Error   Defective radio                    Replace logic board on the repeater?
                                   microprocessor system.             base station or return radio to depot
                                                                      for servicing or replacement for a
                                                                      mobile or portable radio.

   4       Checksum Error          1. Detective radio                 1. Replace logic board on the repeater/
                                      microprocessor system              base or return radio to depot,
                                   2. Codeplug data bad.                 for servicing or replacement for a
                                                                         mobile or portable radio.
                                                                      2. Use default archive file.

   5       No Power                No DC power to RIB or Radio        1. Check power
                                                                      2. Try other COM port.

   6       Multiple Collisions     Defective radio                    1. Try other COM port.
                                   microprocessor system              2. Replace logic board on the repeater/
                                                                         base station or return to depot,
                                                                         for servicing or replacement for a
                                                                         mobile or portable radio.

   7       Serial Bus Error        1. Invalid opcode                  1. Try other COM port.
                                   2. Wrong COM Port                  2. Check connections.
                                   3. Poor connections.

   8       Negative Acknowledge    Radio or RSS version               Use latest version of RSS.

   15      Model number do not     Radio model info does not          1. Read connected radio then
           match.                  match computer workspace              program.
                                   model information.                 2. Try cloning Codeplug from
                                                                         another radio.

   20      RSS version does not                                       Use correct RSS Version for
           match Radio Codeplug.                                      the model information.

   21      Radio not Supported     Loaded the wrong software          Load Correct RSS.

   22      Blank Board - radio not An attempt to read blank           Initialize logic board.
           initialized             EEprom.

   30      Serial Number mismatch  Attempting to program the          1. Read connected radio,
           Model Number mismatch   Codeplug with Codeplug data           program as desired.
           Configuration Register  from another radio.                2. Use latest RSS version.

   51-58   Radio Codeplug Error    Bad Codeplug data.                 Codeplug is corrupted - 
                                                                      Call Product Services.

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